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Best SEO Techniques To Increase Organic Traffic In 2023.

Follow the best SEO techniques listed below to increase your SEO efforts and rank higher in 2023. Let's get Started!
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In this blog post, we will discuss the latest SEO Techniques in 2023 To Increase Organic Traffic.

SEO is an important aspect of modern digital marketing and there are plenty of SEO techniques to use for achieving a successful result.

Search engine optimization is not only about reaching top rankings on SERPs.

It’s also about making your website easy for search engines to access, crawl, index and rank.

We need to know what SEO techniques and strategies which make up a successful SEO process.

After you’ve grasped the fundamentals of SEO, you could be seeking some additional SEO techniques to help boost your site’s organic traffic in 2023.

When you first establish a website (or start learning SEO), there are several foundational elements that you must have in place.

Consider the following:

But what happens after that?

Let me ask you this.

Are you ready to get into complex Search Engine Optimization techniques to boost organic exposure and traffic?

We’ll walk you through the 9 best techniques that can help you boost your site’s performance in this article, and we’ll show you how to implement each one step by step.

1. Find out which of your competitors' pages are performing with the best SEO techniques.

Understand how your competitor’s website is ranking.

The better you understand your competitors’ SEO techniques, the better your own site will perform.

We need to invest our time in the efforts to figure out what works for the websites we compete with within the SERPs.

Moreover, you can take your analysis further to understand how this strategy will work better for your success.

Finding your competitors’ best-performing sites is a good place to start so you can get a sense of where their organic traffic is coming from and what’s driving it.

Analyzing the top pages of your competitors can put you in the right way for things like:

a. Content Gaps | Keyword Gaps

A content gap is essentially a competitor analysis in which you examine your competitor’s content structure in order to uncover topics and keywords for which they are now ranking higher so that you can target them with your new content.

Finding keywords that bring traffic to your competitors but not to your site is known as keyword gap analysis. To put it another way, a keyword gap analysis aids you in identifying valuable keyword chances that you may be overlooking.

b. Link Gap

The Link Gap analysis shows you which websites link to your competitors but not to your own. Because sites that link to competitors are generally relevant and likely to connect to your site as well, this report is ideal for identifying prospective backlink prospects.

c. Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple blog posts or articles on your site compete for the same Google search query or keyword.

Either because they cover the same topic or because you optimized them for the same keyword. When you optimize posts and articles for comparable search keywords, you’re reducing their chances of ranking.

For most queries, Google will only show 1 or 2 results from the same domain in the search results. You might obtain 3 if your domain has a lot of authority.

So, how will you find the best pages of your competitors?

I recommend Semrush’s Organic Research tool.

Though there are others in the market, my favorite is Semrush.

2. A Keyword Gap Analysis can help you plan your content strategy for organic SEO Techniques.

There are mainly two aspects to consider when it comes to developing a content strategy:

  • Optimization of Current Content
  • New Content Creation

Improving current content is usually the best place to start, and yet it’s easier to demonstrate advantages from refining existing content than it is from creating entirely new stuff.

You simply need to analyze and implement because most websites will reach a point where all of their content is optimized.

Conducting a keyword gap analysis, which will help you see the keywords or key phrases that your competitors rank for. And, is one of the quickest methods to orient your content plan. 

To fill the void, you can generate content based on these keywords and subjects. With specific SEO tools, you can accomplish it faster and more efficiently.

3. Get authority backlinks, and use digital PR for the best SEO techniques.

Gaining backlinks to improve domain authority and scaling website visibility in search engines is one of the most difficult tasks. 

Backlinks are still one of Google’s most important ranking indicators. 

There are a variety of link-building procedures that might help you generate relevant connections, and many of them are tough to scale efficiently.

As per Google’s Link Scheme Guidelines:

Creating original, relevant content that can naturally develop popularity in the Online community is the best approach to attract other sites to build high-quality, relevant connections to yours. 

Creating high-quality content really pays off: Links are generally editorial opinions, and the more useful content you have, the more likely it is that someone else will find it useful to their audience and link to it.

Digital PR is one strategy that can help you acquire editorially placed links by creating amazing content.

Content that can help get you high-quality links are:

  • Interviews
  • Infographics/Timelines
  • Digital Magazines/Newsletters
  • Contests
  • Guest Blogging
  • Research-Based Articles
  • Expert Reviews

Digital PR is about promoting linkable content with a robust outreach strategy rather than pitching promotional items.

Linkable content is so awesome and valuable that journalists, bloggers, and other content publishers want to link to it.

The true allure here is that the perfect content might result in a large number of editorially earned links. This can be from magazines, publications, media, websites, or more where your next buyer might be browsing.

Benefits you can draw beyond just links:

  • Increasing traffic through referrals.
  • Creating opportunities for social interaction.
  • Increasing brand recognition
  • More Visibility
  • Generating Revenue

Here’s an excellent resource where you can learn more about Digital PR and Link Building Success.

4. Boost Organic CTR

CTR is considered a ranking metric, and it’s something you should work on improving. 

Increasing your Organic CTR will result in increased visitors to your website without the need to raise your ranking.

What is Organic CTR?

Organic CTR is a metric that has to do with the number of clicks or impressions a specific URL receives organically on Google. 

One of the most important metrics for SEO is your domain’s organic ranking in Google.

So how will you calculate it?

And The Formula is:

Organic Clicks ÷ Impressions = Organic CTR

So, how will you improve organic CTR?

  1. Pick your lowest organic CTR content to determine where to begin.
  1. Remove any keyword cannibalism.

We frequently see a huge issue which we refer to as keyword cannibalization with clients, when multiple landing pages are optimized for the same keywords, distributing out any organic clicks.

Sharing two resources that can assist you in identifying and resolving keyword cannibalization issues:

  1. Be creative with titles and optimize descriptions.

Ways to improve your titles

  • Heavy title tags should be avoided.
  • Brackets should be used in your titles.
  • Consider putting a number.


SEO Techniques On Heading Image

  1. Always put your headlines to the Test

You can utilize a headline analyzer or test these in your PPC advertising, Facebook posts, and other social ads.

d. Use PPC Ads to Increase Organic CTR

PPC is one of the most neglected strategies to immediately enhance CTR by utilizing a tried-and-true method. 

Create a paid search ad for a keyword that has a low CTR but for which you rank high enough. 

Not only will taking up more real estate enhance the likelihood that people will visit you, but you will also be able to swiftly test alternative headlines and descriptions to see which one is the most effective. 

Apply that copy to your organic listing after that.

5. Optimize for ‘People Also Ask’ Rich Snippet

The SERPs in 2023 will be far more advanced than the ’10 blue links’ that once dominated Google’s first page, and clever SEOs will be fine-tuning their approaches and plans to take advantage of as many SERP characteristics as possible.

‘People Also Ask’ is one of the elements in rich snippets that should be used in SEOs. If you’re unfamiliar with PAA, it refers to the queries that appear on the SERPs, such as the ones below.


SEO Techniques In People Also Ask

There are numerous reasons why you should be paying attention to PAA, including the following:

  • Unlike featured snippets, they can help you rank repeatedly on page 1, as it is possible to have a PAA result and a first-page ranking at the same time.
  • With over 75% of PAA results appearing in the top three results, they can help you appear prominently at the top of the SERPs as an answer to the queries your consumers are asking.
  • They can be used as query refinements for questions that Google might have trouble understanding.

Many marketers aren’t currently paying attention to PAA, which means you have an opportunity to acquire a competitive advantage indeed.

6. Boost Web Pages Using Internal Links

Add internal links to other web pages or posts to boost rankings on SERPs. Adding internal links that point to web pages or posts could help you to achieve higher rankings.

Internal links are hyperlinks that link to pages within a website. These links allow visitors to navigate around the website without having to remember the URL for each page.

Internal links are created when a link is added to a webpage pointing back to another webpage within the same site.

Internal linking is important because it helps establish user trust and creates more opportunities for search engine indexing, crawling, and ranking of your site’s content.

It also increases user engagement rates and can help in reducing bounce rates.

7. Optimizing Core Web Vitals Is One Of the Best SEO Techniques.

With the Page Experience Update in May 2021, it has already been announced that Core Web Vitals will become a search ranking criteria. 

This means that, while quality content will continue to be king, the technical aspects of your SEO will become increasingly important.


Best SEO Techniques Page Speed Score

There are five measures you may take to ensure that your site is compliant with the new algorithm:

  • Reduce JavaScript execution
  • Implement the lazy loading
  • Optimize and compress images
  • Make sure your images and embeds are the right sizes.
  • Improve the response time of the server

Google started emphasizing page and user experience as ranking factors in 2021. As a result, attention has turned to a number of on-page UX aspects, including:

  • Mobile Friendly Site
  • Safe Browsing Is Mandatory
  • Fast Loading of Web Pages

What are Core Web Vitals?

Core Web Vitals are page experience markers that assess a website’s user experience. Simply said, these indications indicate how quickly consumers will be able to interact with your website and the type of outcome they will receive. These indicators also indicate how simple it is for users to navigate the website.

There are three metrics in the Core Web Vitals set:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a metric that assesses how quickly a website’s largest element (pictures, videos, animations, text, and so on) can load and appear.

CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) assures that a website’s pages are free of unexpected, perplexing movements that may distract readers from reading the material.

The First Input Delay (FID) metric measures how responsive a website’s pages are the first time users interact with them. It also assesses how quickly a website’s browser can return a result to users. SEO Techniques-google-page-update-web-vitals                                                                Source: https://web.dev/vitals/


8. Optimize Images For Search Rankings

Images are key for making your content more accessible, appealing, and engaging for consumers, but they’re also important for SEO.

First, they provide significant contextual information to search engines. 

Second, optimized images boost user engagement and search engine rankings by speeding up page loading.

Furthermore, if you’re not optimizing for image search, you’re likely missing out on traffic from a source that your competitors aren’t considering. Let’s not ignore the importance of visual search.

Therefore, you need to consider using:

  • Alt tags
  • File names
  • Image resizing to the required proportions
  • File size reduction
  • Creating a sitemap for images
  • Using a CDN to host your images

9. Remove Toxic or Spammy Links

Backlinks are a crucial aspect of your SEO strategy or techniques. Authoritative links give a boost to rankings. On the other hand, spammy links put your credibility into question. They harm the site’s ranking.

However, if your site’s link profile contains hazardous links, it is recommended that you clean them up. But first, let’s look at why your site can have harmful links in the first place:

  • Links that were purchased.
  • Links with Over-Optimized Anchor Texts.
  • Article marketing or guest posting efforts on a large scale
  • SEO that is detrimental to your business.
  • Techniques involving a low-quality directory or bookmarking site.

Thanks To the Semrush Backlink Audit Tool!

Here you can check what all toxic links are there on your website that is harming your ranking.

Want to learn more about auditing your link profile and removing toxic backlinks?

Feel Free To Contact Us.


To conclude, SEO is an art and a handful of techniques that take time to master, and things in the world of search engines are continuously changing.

To master SEO and SEO techniques, all you need is an inquisitive mind and a desire to assist searchers in finding the information they want.

In this blog post, I tried to cover the most important SEO techniques for a Good SEO we can apply to rank high on search engines.

Hope you find this useful.

Eventually, I would like to thank you for reading this blog post, “Best SEO Techniques To Increase Organic Traffic In 2023”.

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